w3c-ccg / did-wg-charter

An EXPERIMENTAL charter for the W3C Decentralized Identifier Working Group
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Methods vs. Operations #43

Closed nadalin closed 5 years ago

nadalin commented 5 years ago

So there is an issue about interop and defining a method or multiple methods, another option would be to define the operations, that each method must implement and then interop on the operations that each method must support

msporny commented 5 years ago

Different DID Methods may implement DID operations differently and this is largely a protocol issue, which you will note is out of scope in the charter.

PR #51 sets clear expectations wrt. interop.

Suggest we close the issue with no changes to the charter.

jandrieu commented 5 years ago

Agreed. #51 is a good adjustment to make sure the group tackles this problem adequately.

+1 to closing.

nadalin commented 5 years ago

@msporny I don't agree with resolution and closing

jandrieu commented 5 years ago

Propose a resolution, then, @nadalin

The spec already defines which operations a method MUST support.

What would you like to see changed and what would you like it changed to?

nadalin commented 5 years ago

@jandrieu Then that should be the proposed interoperability point, and defining operations is not defining a protocol. Propose to add a section on interperability and state that interop will happen on the operations level independent of the method

jandrieu commented 5 years ago

You misunderstand, @nadalin. The operations that MUST be supported is not the same as how those operations are implemented, which is a protocol level spec. And all of this is spec work that merely needs to be identified as work for the working group. The charter is NOT the place to specify the operations.

Let me ask more clearly, what text, in the charter, would you like changed and what would you like it changed to?

msporny commented 5 years ago

The group discussed this on 2019-07-02 and agrees that the goal of the DID WG is to define interop at the DID syntax, DID Document data model, and DID Method specification requirements level and not to define a protocol, which would be required to achieve operation-level interop independent of the method. The DID WG Charter already specifies protocol as out of scope for the WG.

nadalin commented 5 years ago

@msporny The operation is independent from the protocol, as each protocol can implement the operation differently.

nadalin commented 5 years ago

@msporny I don't agree with closing this with the rational given here