w3c-ccg / http-signatures

Signing HTTP Messages specification
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Project stance on backwards compatibility #88

Open liamdennehy opened 5 years ago

liamdennehy commented 5 years ago

In the list of proposed principles for this project https://github.com/w3c-dvcg/http-signatures/pull/87 I excluded preserving backwards compatibility, as it is also in conflict with the maxim of "Keep It Simple, Stupid" (also encoded as a principle).

This has wide-reaching impact. We are both fortunate there are already implementations out there as this drives interest and help tease out bugs and corner cases, while at the same time we have a choice to make:

From my perspective, we are aiming to publish one standard; re-describing and incorporating mis-steps and blind alleys encountered on the way serve no purpose in reaching that goal, and make any eventual version submitted for ratification much too complex.