w3c-ccg / traceability-vocab

A traceability vocabulary for describing relevant Verifiable Credentials and their contents.
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declare datatype in `$linkedData` #576

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 1 year ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

In a JSONLD context one can and should declare the datatypes of props, so that a JSON payload string is mapped to the appropriate datatype.

This is especially important for literals that don't have native JSON type (xsd:date, xsd:dateTime). It's also important for numbers, which are subject to rounding/mangling in JSON. Eg this JSONLD payload:

   "foo": {"@type":"xsd:boolean","@id":"https://example.org/foo"},
   "bar": {"@type":"xsd:decimal","@id":"https://example.org/bar"},
   "baz": {"@type":"xsd:integer","@id":"https://example.org/baz"}

is converted to this ntriples at https://json-ld.org/playground/. Notice the rounding of bar1, and the syntactically incorrect value of baz:

_:b0 <https://example.org/bar1> "1.234567890123457E1"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal> .
_:b0 <https://example.org/bar> "12.345678901234567890"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal> .
_:b0 <https://example.org/baz> "1.234567890123457E29"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer> .
_:b0 <https://example.org/foo1> "true"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean> .
_:b0 <https://example.org/foo> "true"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean> .

It's less important for booleans because the values are not subject to rounding.


  1. credentials/USMCACertificationOfOrigin.yml:

    title: Importer Unknown
    description: >-
      If the identity of the importer is unknown, or there are various
      importers, please check the appropriate box.
    type: boolean
      term: importerUnknown
      '@id': https://w3id.org/traceability#importerUnknown

    could add

      '@type': 'xsd:boolean'
  2. common/IATAAirWaybill.yml:

    title: Executed on (Date)
    description: >-
      The date of execution of the air waybill shall be inserted in the sequence
      of day, month and year. The month shall be expressed alphabetically,
      either abbreviated or in full. Box 32A.
    type: string
      term: executedOn
      '@id': https://w3id.org/traceability#executionTime
      '@type': http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime

    already has @type, but maybe the JSON type should be changed from string to something better?

  3. common/Transport.yml:

    title: Planned Departure Date
    description: The planned date of departure.
    type: string
      term: plannedDepartureDate
      '@id': https://schema.org/Date

    Must change to this ( I assume JSON Schema has type dateTime)

    type: dateTime 
       term: plannedDepartureDate
       '@id': traceability:plannedDepartureDate
       '@type': xsd:dateTime
OR13 commented 1 year ago

We need a way to visualize this, and break it down into smaller chunks so it can be addressed.

BenjaminMoe commented 1 year ago

The action to take on this issue would be to write a script to produce the numbers for this issue.

nissimsan commented 1 year ago

Proposal: introduce a chart similar to undefinedTerms which we can use to track progress on missing datatypes.

This ticket needs to be broken into smaller issues. Somehow.

nissimsan commented 1 year ago

Assigned myself to produce an example of a relevant schema, so we can get agreement of what a proper, fully datatyped schema should look like.

nissimsan commented 1 year ago

Very similar to https://github.com/w3c-ccg/traceability-vocab/issues/573

nissimsan commented 10 months ago

At its most basic, this could be just a couple of counters like this: image