w3c-ccg / vc-api

A specification for an HTTP API used to issue and verify Verifiable Credentials.
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Should returning `ProblemDetail` objects be mandatory? #414

Open msporny opened 3 weeks ago

msporny commented 3 weeks ago

The VCDM, DI, BSL all have normative examples of ProblemDetail objects in their error handling sections. The verification algorithms have normative statements about exposing errors as well. The VC API doesn't specify how these objects are exposed to callers. Should the API do this?

msporny commented 3 weeks ago

The group discussed this on 2024-08-20:

@PatStLouis noted that the VCDM, DI, BSL all have normative examples of ProblemDetail objects in their error handling sections. The verification algorithms have normative statements about exposing errors as well. The VC API doesn't specify how these objects are exposed to callers. Should the API do this? @msporny noted that the reason we say MUST raise and error but SHOULD for the error is because we didn't want to raise burden on implementers. @PatStLouis noted that it's not easy to know why an error was thrown, including more information helps understand why the error was thrown. The VC API spec does currently speak to ProblemDetails, but there is no normative language related to including the data.

Can verification response be more dynamic and return more information? @dlongley noted that it would be good to have client request specific type of error or warning response, that would allow people to layer changes on top (additional feature to include ProblemDetails). @PatStLouis wondered if that is a "verbose" response flag, or something more specific? @dlongley didn't want to bikeshed, maybe we want something more semantically specific, like "ProblemDetails": "true".

@PatStLouis noted that for BitstringStatusList, the bitvalue that was fetched could be included in a check. Maybe the same for proofs, VC with set of proofs, return a property called proof which has property of proof that was verified w/ true/false for verified or not. @msporny noted concerns around complexity of checks and the complexity of data returned. @dlongley noted that we might be conflating running various things is "verification", what checks are run are a part of verification instance configuration. You want to be able to call a verifier instance, which might include running status checks, and it will provide the information back to the validation process and what one does with that information is part of the validation process. @PatStLouis noted that options for checks, should test suite inject that? Maybe people put that in their implementation (in options field, customized checks). If you tag a verifier instance w/ BSL checking, the status list is something the verifier will do.

@PatStLouis asked about the "option" to return "ProblemDetails". @dlongley noted that an input parameter might be needed to figure out what you want checked "check all status", or "check status of this type and purpose (e.g., revocation)" (how "strict" you want the verification to be). "As soon as you get an error, return HTTP 400 and exit immediately" or "Go as far as you can and return all errors". Do we need "strict mode" or "detail.

msporny commented 1 week ago

The group discussed this on 2024-09-03:

@PatStLouis noted that an option to get "verbose details" back as "ProblemDetails" is useful to understand what happened when a verification was performed; the option could be used to assert details on the verification process. With respect to BitstringStatusList, you return "credentialStatus" and have a list of credentialStatus Entry w/ value of the bit at the index (index value). @dlongley noted that we wanted "This is the status under status property" and bitfield value was, verified true/false, sibling property to status property. @PatStLouis noted "statusCredential" object, that contains same entries in VC with new element "verified: true/false" or bit value, leaning towards the bit value. Status message true/false might not be accurate. There are edge cases where status messages might have more than one index that might complicate things. For suspension/revocation, could provide simpler check.

@mburchil noted that implementations are leaving up to requester/wallet to provide at request time, wallets note whether they care whether or not something is suspended/revoked, and then true/false comes back in information provided by them. Don't provide information beyond true/false, relied on requester to state current status. In verification request, they state whether or not they care. @PatStLouis noted that endpoint will do the check, in light of different test suites... verify will return information, but not take action on it. Verify not meant to be called by wallet, component of software and it should inform software of verification information so software can take decisions based on information found. Verifier would return property that can be acted upon by coordinator. Coordinator might not care if a credential has been revoked. @mburchil noted that Entra is doing it the other way, field for "verification" whether or not you care if something is revoked or not. @PatStLouis noted that when someone provides endpoint, customized parameters if implementation checks status -- this question is about ProblemDetails.

... long discussion on what to do ensued ...

The group came to the following conclusions:

Return object should have:

robdefeo commented 1 day ago

Where I had some confusion which lead me to not know about how to use the problem details was that the endpoints https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api/#verify-credential and https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api/#verify-presentation both return an errors array "Errors Each item in the errors array MUST be a string.".

Although it mentions https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api/#verification-response that ProblemDetails should be raised, I assumed this was for libraries rather than API calls. Though problem details was intended for API responses. The RFC https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9457 seems to intend to return a single type of error, though there is an option to return multiple errors they are of a single type. In verification we perform distinct checks that return potentially different types of errors so, its hard to use as per rfc9457.

Error codes as a number are limiting, having known errors which can be easily identified is helpful, preferably it would be a namespaced maybe with a delimeted string to prevent or at least reduce clashes.