w3c-ccg / vc-ed-models

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Subject Concept #36

Open ozgury opened 3 years ago

ozgury commented 3 years ago

Milestone 3 tracks elaboration of vc-ed-models concept 5 -- subject. It's defined as follows:

Concept 5 (subject): describes the person or entity that is the subject of the credential. In the education/occupational space, this person is likely a student and/or employee. This role is also called the receiver. Subject may be the holder of the credential but not necessarily, especially in cases where guardianship is delegated.

Relevant details from IMS Global standards:

IMS Global Open Badges and CLR Standards use Profile data type for both Issuer and Learner. While both standards use the Profile object, some improvements have been made to the Profile in the CLR specification to address student transcript use cases.

Here's a sample:

    "learner": {
        "id": "https://au.aefis.net/ims/clr/v1p0/learner/17946",
        "url": "https://au.aefis.net/ims/clr/v1p0/student/17946",
        "email": "student1@university.edu",
        "studentId": "100001",
        "name": "Michael John Student",
        "address": {
            "streetAddress": "504 Somewhere Ave",
            "addressRegion": "ND",
            "addressLocality": "City",
            "postalCode": "58119",
            "addressCountry": "USA"
        "birthDate": "20010907"

Some items to be addressed and discussed:

    "name": "Michael John Student",
    "additionalName": "John",
    "familyName": "Student",
    "givenName": "Michael",

cc: @kimdhamilton @ottonomy @longpd @martyr280

longpd commented 3 years ago

Ozgury: the link to the discussion for multiple identifiers gives me a 404 on the IMSGLOBAL GitHub site. I have membership access to IMS so I don’t think that’s the issue. When I go to the root of the IMSGLOBAL GitHub repositories I don’t see one listed for ComprehensiveLearnerRecord. Perhaps I have to sign up for that repository at IMGLOBAL?

Just an access clarification question.


Phillip Long, Ph.D., T3 Innovation Network, LER Pilot Projects Community Manager e:  mailto:phil@rhzconsulting.comphil@rhzconsulting.com mailto:phil@rhzconsulting.com, SNS: Twitter/Telegram @RadHertz LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/longpd https://www.linkedin.com/in/longpd — Senior Scholar, Georgetown University Center for New Designs in Learning & Scholarship (CNDLS) e: pl673@georgetown.edu mailto:pl673@georgetown.edu — Co-chair, OSN Governance WG Open Skills Network https://www.openskillsnetwork.org/  https://www.openskillsnetwork.org/ — Open Software Fellow Concentric Sky e: plong@concentricsky.com mailto:plong@concentricsky.com https://concentricsky.com/  https://www.concentricsky.com/ — RHz Consulting, LLC. Inquire-Listen-Design-Prototype-Analyze-Repeat e:phil@rhzconsulting.com mailto:phil@rhzconsulting.com LinkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/in/longpd/  http://www.linkedin.com/in/longpd/

On Feb 27, 2021, at 1:55 PM, ozgury notifications@github.com wrote:

Milestone 3 tracks elaboration of vc-ed-models concept 5 -- subject. It's defined as follows:

Concept 5 (subject): describes the person or entity that is the subject of the credential. In the education/occupational space, this person is likely a student and/or employee. This role is also called the receiver. Subject may be the holder of the credential but not necessarily, especially in cases where guardianship is delegated.

Some items to be addressed and discussed:

Representation of the name: "name": "Michael John Student", "additionalName": "John", "familyName": "Student", "givenName": "Michael", Flexibility in the representation of multiple identifiers (see related discussion https://github.com/IMSGlobal/ComprehensiveLearnerRecord/issues/213): <—— Gives a 404 "identifiers": "SystemIdentifier", "studentId": "string", "sourcedId": "string" Flexibility in addressing additional properties: "extensions" Endorsements and Verification: "publicKey" "revocationList" "endorsements" "signedEndorsements" "verification" cc: @kimdhamilton https://github.com/kimdhamilton @ottonomy https://github.com/ottonomy @longpd https://github.com/longpd @martyr280 https://github.com/martyr280 — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-ed-models/issues/36, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AADYBFA4HYM3G34GCSYKDRLTBE52FANCNFSM4YKGTYSA.

ozgury commented 3 years ago

@longpd I believe that's the case. ComprehensiveLearnerRecord repository is private, you need to get access to it. I added the link thinking some of the discussion there could be useful but considering not everybody here will have access to it, we might consider removing the link.

I removed the link as discussed.