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Examples of Activities #39

Open anthonycamilleri opened 3 years ago

anthonycamilleri commented 3 years ago

Examples of things to describe.

anthonycamilleri commented 3 years ago

John has run a race. He did so on the 14th December 2021, had a time of 3h 48m.

jgoodell2 commented 3 years ago

Person has completed a workplace sensitivity training workshop.

mlisle commented 3 years ago

Here's a recent example from Georgia Tech.

Jane has completed the Cross-Cultural Experiences program. She did so on February 1, 2021. She attended three workshops on the topics of culture and self-awareness, perception and values, and the Culture Map, and completed a culminating self-assessment on the skills gained throughout the program.

jgoodell2 commented 3 years ago

Person has completed 18 hours of supervised practice driving.

bumblefudge commented 3 years ago

Person was 4th author / editor / lab assistant that contributed to the publication of DOI 10.1093/ajae/aaq063.

(Obviously primary/marquis authorship gets tracked better in other places, but of particular interest to me is recognizing the work of graduate student editors, interns, collective work, etc. the often unnamed editor or assistant is more interesting to me than the people already credited in publication networks-- particularly if they're being paid in "experience" or proximity to peer review processes. )

ozgury commented 3 years ago

Person was assessed in problem-solving skills on the 29th or March 2021 and has received a rubric level of Capstone (4).

jgoodell2 commented 3 years ago

Person has completed 8000 hours of electrical work experience over a minimum of four years. (or some portion of that to meet one of several requirements for a journeyman electrician's license)

[Stacked credential use case questions: How best to link to the complex set of requirements for the credential that this activity qualifies a person for? Does it link from this instance or is this just discovered as part of the recipe by linking to the "ingredient" definition it could be matched from one or more recipes.]

tkendal commented 3 years ago

Person (or more accurately, virtual avatar) has completed 20 hr. VR lunar module training simulation. *Side note: curious to learn about @bumblefudge's interest in the U.S. Corn Seed Market :)

kezike commented 3 years ago

Person has reached expert level proficiency in tailoring for large ceremonies (e.g., traditional attire in a Nigerian wedding)

Note 1: This use case might require the designation of a new credential schema for tailoring with terms such as eventCount (number of events subject has tailored for in the past?), maxModelsPerEvent (most amount of people subject has tailored for in an event), imageURLs (images of past outfits), avgTimeSLA (average turnaround time for service), etc.

Note 2: This seems to be a use case that requires either the design of a single Competency credential or several Activity credentials from which meaningful data can be extracted (e.g., avgTimeSLA).

Note 3: The challenge here is that the trust framework for such evaluations are typically based on a relationship with an individual issuer, such as the event celebrant/planner (e.g., bride and groom), as opposed to an institution.

roverwolf commented 3 years ago

Person has attended the Train the Trainer 1 seminar on 29 March 2021.