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[To Discuss] Accreditation #4

Open kimdhamilton opened 3 years ago

kimdhamilton commented 3 years ago

From Anthony Camilleri: I feel a recommended approach for dealing with accreditation should be an integral part of this spec. There are a number of approaches to this:

Also there are different approaches to referring to accreditation data within a credential. From a formal education perspective agreeing a common approach such as 'has accreditation' would help a lot in cross-border recognition of degrees etc. I can share some models we have developed on both of these, if interesting to the rest of the group.

jeannekitchens commented 3 years ago

@kimdhamilton CTDL handles third party quality assurance assertions both by the QA organization and by the credentialing organization self-identifying. See these terms. Accredtiations, endoresements, appprovals, recoginition, and regulations can be either at an organization level, at a program or course level or assessment, or directly on the credential. To see these terms with their defintions, comments, type, sublassing, properties, range, serialization etc..go to https://credreg.net/ctdl/terms. At the bottom of the page, you can search for all of these terms. Otherwise, if this is useful, let me know and I will add the links.

ceterms: accredits ceterms: approves ceterms: recognizes ceterms: regulates ceterms: revokes

ceterms: accreditedBy ceterms: approvedBy ceterms: recoginzedBy ceterms: regulatedBy ceterms: revokedBy

ceterms: accreditAction ceterms: approveAction ceterms: recoginizeAction ceterms: regulateAction ceterms: revokeAction

The "Some Basics" section of the CTDL Handbook walks through an example with "accreditaton." https://credreg.net/ctdl/handbook#basics.

Section 10 goes over the Action classes https://credreg.net/ctdl/handbook#actionclasses.

The accreditedBy seems most pertainent to this issue.

anthonycamilleri commented 3 years ago

@jeannekitchens I find these super-useful, and also quite similar to how we represent accreditations under Europass. In my view, from a 'document delivered to a student' perspective, we in particular need ceterms: accreditedBy, together with a property that would link to evidence of that accreditation.

Optional extensions could include properties describing what that accreditation means, but not sure this is necessary at this level.

jeannekitchens commented 3 years ago

@anthonycamilleri thank you. I can link in the definitions later today.

larinyo commented 3 years ago

@jeannekitchens It would be necessary to extend with actions like "suspends, suspendedBy suspendAction"

tkendal commented 3 years ago

I believe this taskforce was conceived to work on trusted registries, along with other questions of ecosystem governance. Would incubating a meta-level TIP or other guiding framework be useful (very chicken or egg — use cases to drive policy or vice versa)?

kayaelle commented 3 years ago

Putting this here as an example of consideration of accreditation for non-formal & informal learning: https://www.plaio.org/index.php/home/article/view/39