w3c-ccg / vc-render-method

Rendering methods for Verifiable Credentials
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Getting in touch - Implementing a renderer method #11

Open pohhendry opened 3 weeks ago

pohhendry commented 3 weeks ago

Hi there,

While implementating W3C VC data model 2.0, my product (which is a framework) requires a rendering method. Upon reading that it might be at risk of being removed from the specification, I thought I should reach out to express my organization's support for it.

Wondering what can I do to show the support for this?

Thank you.

BigBlueHat commented 3 weeks ago

Posting here is a great start! Also, voicing your interest and requirements on the Credentials Community Group mailing list and/or the VC WG's mailing list. If you're a W3C member, then attending upcoming VC WG calls would be another excellent place to state your requirements.

You can also add your thoughts to this issue on the VC Data Model repo: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1480

Cheers! 🎩