This issue is about the expressiveness for customizing operators’ action generating methods. It could be made possible for developers to be able to specify, for an operator, a scripting method with which to override action generation. That is, a special event on operators could be one for when actions are created by providing arguments to an operator.
Operator o = ...;
Action a = o.generate(world, p1, p2, ...);
This capability and expressiveness could add complexity to representing solutions or output plans; solutions might need to be able to import reusable domain modules.
This issue is about the expressiveness for customizing operators’ action generating methods. It could be made possible for developers to be able to specify, for an operator, a scripting method with which to override action generation. That is, a special event on operators could be one for when actions are created by providing arguments to an operator.
With this expressiveness, markup might resemble:
This capability and expressiveness could add complexity to representing solutions or output plans; solutions might need to be able to import reusable domain modules.
Any thoughts on these topics?