w3c-lbd-cg / bot

Building Topology Ontology
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Revision of BRICK v1.1 to BOT 0.3.2 Alignment #81

Closed GeorgFerdinandSchneider closed 3 years ago

GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 4 years ago

Since the release of 1.0.0 of the alignment between BRICK and BOT as of https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/bot/commit/ad6f867c2939dc89c71c833e59bf027f953a72b5 changes to the source ontologies happened. Hence, the defined correspondences need to be revised as discussed with @jbkoh.

@prefix bot: <https://w3id.org/bot/0.3.2> .
@prefix brick: <https://brickschema.org/schema/1.1/Brick#> .
@prefix : <https://w3id.org/bot/BRICKAlignment#> .
@base <https://w3id.org/bot/BRICKAlignment> .

#    Object Properties

bot:containsZone rdfs:subPropertyOf brick:isPartOf. #we is isPartOf for both Equipment and Locations.

#    Classes

bot:Site rdfs:subClassOf brick:Site. # Brick's site allow not having buildings
bot:Storey owl:equivalentClass brick:Floor. # Brick equate both Storey and Floor.
brick:Location rdfs:subClassOf bot:Zone. # Maybe equivalent.
brick:Building owl:equivalentClass bot:Building.
brick:Space rdfs:subClassOf bot:Space. 

brick:Point rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element . # In BOT, anything other than bot:Zone is bot:Element
brick:Equipment rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element . # In BOT, anything other than bot:Zone is bot:Element

The following correspondences from 1.0.0 need to be discussed:

brick:contains rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement .
brick:hasPart rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone .
brick:hasPart rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement .
brick:hasPart rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:hasSubElement .
brick:hasPoint rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone .
brick:hasPoint rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement .

# Classes

brick:Floor rdfs:subClassOf bot:Storey .
brick:Outside rdfs:subClassOf bot:Space .
brick:Wing rdfs:subClassOf bot:Space .
brick:Zone rdfs:subClassOf bot:Space .

Additionally changes to the ontology meta-data are needed:

Use version IRIs of ontologies to be aligned.:

@prefix bot: <https://w3id.org/bot/0.3.2> .
@prefix brick: <https://brickschema.org/schema/1.1/Brick#> .

Revise wording:

dcterms:description """This ontology defines correspondences with the BRICK ontology."""@en ;

Version IRIs in import:

owl:imports     <https://w3id.org/bot/0.3.2> ,
                <https://brickschema.org/schema/1.1/Brick#> .

Revise date:

dcterms:modified "2020-05-29"^^xsd:date ;

Revise own and prior version IRI:

owl:versionIRI <https://w3id.org/bot/BRICKAlignment/2.0.0> ;
owl:priorVersion <https://w3id.org/bot/BRICKAlignment/1.0.0> ;
owl:versionInfo "v2.0.0" ;

Add Jason as co-creator:

dcterms:creator [a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Jason Koh" ] ;
GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 4 years ago

Some comments to be discussed:

brick:contains rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement .

-> Not applicable anymore as brick:contains has been removed

# old v1.0.0
brick:hasPart rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone .
brick:hasPart rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement .
brick:hasPart rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:hasSubElement .

should be changed according to changed semantics to:

# v2.0.0
bot:containsZone rdfs:subPropertyOf brick:hasPart .
bot:containsElement rdfs:subPropertyOf brick:hasPart .
bot:hasSubElement rdfs:subPropertyOf brick:hasPart .
# v1.0.0
brick:hasPoint rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone . # Should be removed
brick:hasPoint rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement . # holds

Not applicable:

# Classes

brick:Floor rdfs:subClassOf bot:Storey . # statement above
brick:Outside rdfs:subClassOf bot:Space .# subclass of brick:Location
brick:Wing rdfs:subClassOf bot:Space .# subclass of brick:Location
brick:Zone rdfs:subClassOf bot:Space .# does not hold anymore

brick:Site is defined as a owl:NamedIndividual, hence the following propsal is made:

bot:Site rdfs:subClassOf brick:Location . # Brick's site is modelled as a named inidiviual allow not having buildings
brick:Site rdf:type bot:Site . 
GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 4 years ago

Current proposal as of https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/bot/commit/1615faeeab6d1a05fe2568eebc979289be89a88b agreed on in joint discussion with @jbkoh

@prefix bot: <https://w3id.org/bot-0.3.2> .
@prefix brick: <https://brickschema.org/schema/1.1/Brick#> .

#    Object Properties

bot:containsZone rdfs:subPropertyOf brick:hasPart . # Usage of brick:hasPart with brick:Location
brick:isLocationOf rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement . # bot:containsElement does not have domain/ range, hence, a brick:Point will not be classified as bot:Element. This would be wrong
bot:hasSubElement rdfs:subPropertyOf brick:hasPart . # Usage of brick:hasPart with brick:Equipment

#    Classes

brick:Location rdfs:subClassOf bot:Zone. 
bot:Site rdfs:subClassOf brick:Site . # Maybe equivalent as of other subclassings.

bot:Storey owl:equivalentClass brick:Floor. # Brick equate both Storey and Floor.

brick:Building owl:equivalentClass bot:Building.
brick:Space rdfs:subClassOf bot:Space. 

brick:Equipment rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element . # In BOT, anything other than bot:Zone is bot:Element
GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 4 years ago


GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 3 years ago

closed by https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/bot/pull/105