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Building Topology Ontology
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alignment to Google Digital Buildings Ontology? #84

Open mathib opened 4 years ago

mathib commented 4 years ago

(this is just a reference note to the community to further look into alignments)

During LDAC2020, a presentation was given by Charbel Kaed from Google on their Digital Buildings Ontology (raw ontology on Github), mainly focusing on HVAC concepts but also containing some more generic building concepts. It might be worthwile to look into alignments opportunities to BOT, similar as has been done already for BRICK, SAREF4BUILDINGS, etc.

At first sight, the following mappings might be useful (should be checked in more detail):

<http://www.google.com/digitalbuildings/0.0.1#Equipment> rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element . # or schema:Product?
<http://www.google.com/digitalbuildings/0.0.1/facilities#PhysicalLocation> owl:equivalentClass bot:Zone .
<http://www.google.com/digitalbuildings/0.0.1/facilities#Building>  owl:equivalentClass bot:Building .
<http://www.google.com/digitalbuildings/0.0.1/facilities#Floor> owl:equivalentClass bot:Storey .
<http://www.google.com/digitalbuildings/0.0.1/facilities#Room> owl:equivalentClass bot:Space .
<http://www.google.com/digitalbuildings/0.0.1/hvac#Zone> rdfs:subClassOf bot:Zone . # hvacZone is no subclassof physicalLocation

<http://www.google.com/digitalbuildings/0.0.1#hasPhysicalLocation> owl:inverseOf bot:containsElement . # no rdfs:domain/range defined. Mapping based on usage in LDAC2020 presentation slide 9 (alternative: inverse of bot:hasElement)
<http://www.google.com/digitalbuildings/0.0.1#hasFloor> ??? #not enough documentation
<http://www.google.com/digitalbuildings/0.0.1#hasRoom> ??? #not enough documentation

The ontology will probably evolve over time, so we might need to keep an eye on it.

mathib commented 3 years ago

@GeorgFerdinandSchneider are you interested in this alignment? Were you already in contact with Charbel Kaed?