w3c-lbd-cg / bot

Building Topology Ontology
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Update definition of bot:Zone #87

Closed GeorgFerdinandSchneider closed 3 years ago

GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 3 years ago

Comments received by @hammar through google spread sheet collecting multi-language translations of BOT:

Comment 1: Isn't the first sentence structured in a quite redundant manner? Specifically: "part of [the/a] world [...] that is inherently [...] located in this world"? How could a part of a world not be located in that world? Apologies if you've covered this in previous discussions.

The definition is aligned with dul:PhysicalObject having a proper space region. Hence, the definition is intended to be kept as of W3C LBD CG Call 30 June 2020.

Comment 2: Also, I think "having" should be "has" to be language-wise correct (but I am not a native English-speaker).

This should be corrected as of W3C LBD CG Call 30 June 2020.

Comment 3: "Sub-classes of bot:Zone include [..listing..] and bot:Space."

'or' is chosen here' as the subclasses of bot:Zone, bot:Building, bot:Site, bot:Space and bot:Storey are defined as disjoint classes. Hence, following the owl:disjointWith logic a 'or' is kept in the definition. cf. also W3C LBD CG Call 30 June 2020.

GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 3 years ago

Changed in google spread sheet

GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 3 years ago

by @mathib in #88:

Just noticed that the definition of bot:Zone should also be updated...

A part of the physical world or a virtual world that is inherently both located in this world and has a 3D spatial extent; Sub-classes of bot:Zone include bot:Site, bot:Building, bot:Storey, or bot:Space. An instance of bot:Zone can contain other bot:Zone instances, making it possible to group or subdivide zones. An instance of bot:Zone can be adjacent to other bot:Zone instances. Finally, a bot:Zone can instantiate two relations to bot:Element, which are either contained in (bot:containsElement), or adjacent to it (bot:adjacentElement).


A part of the physical world or a virtual world that is inherently both located in this world and has a 3D spatial extent; Sub-classes of bot:Zone include bot:Site, bot:Building, bot:Storey, or bot:Space. An instance of bot:Zone can contain other bot:Zone instances, making it possible to group or subdivide zones. An instance of bot:Zone can be adjacent to **or intersecting** other bot:Zone instances. Finally, a bot:Zone can instantiate **three** relations to bot:Element, which are either contained in (bot:containsElement), adjacent to it (bot:adjacentElement) **or intersecting (bot:intersectingElement)**.

GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 3 years ago

Accepted by W3C LBD CG meeting 28 July 2020

GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 3 years ago

closed by https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/bot/commit/a460732116ae06ebaac8f960b2228f355f28685a