w3c-lbd-cg / product

Product Ontology
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Substantial overlap to existing product data modelling approches #6

Closed GeorgFerdinandSchneider closed 6 years ago

GeorgFerdinandSchneider commented 6 years ago


There exists a substantial overlap of the PRODUCT ontology modelling effort with existing approaches to publish product data in AEC industriy on the web.


FreeClassOWL BauDataWeb eClassOWL UNSPSC proficl@ss omniclass BAUKOM PPBIM and VDI3805 and ISO757 CoClass (Sweden) ISO12006-2 NIST PDTO NBS PDT VVS Kataloget - National, Denmark CBNL - National, Netherlands

See also review and paper in [1]

Open questions are:

[1] Gudnason, G. and Pauwels, P. SemCat: Publishing and Accessing Building Product Information as Linked Data Conference Paper · September 2016, Conference: ECPPM 2016, 11th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, At Limasol, Cyprus

pipauwel commented 6 years ago

There is overlap with existing product modelling approaches, yes. The main idea for this product ontology is that explicitly present building elements (walls, windows, etc.) in specific existing buildings can be modelled using this ontology (not classified - cfr. FreeClass and all), in inspiration of IFC. From that placeholder, further links to other product data and classifications can be added as instance data, thereby using many of the existing product modelling approaches in a linked data fashion.