w3c-social / social-web-protocols

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Future steps #32

Closed rhiaro closed 6 years ago

rhiaro commented 8 years ago

A section on what we've learned and what the next steps should be for picking up future standardisation in this space.

tantek commented 7 years ago

Is "what we've learned" really in scope for this document? That seems like it would either be way too much and distract from the focus of how do existing things work together, or it would be so limited as to not be useful. Perhaps consider putting "what we've learned" on a wiki page instead that anyone can add what they've learned?

Regarding next steps for picking up future standardization, perhaps just point to SWICG and Indieweb.org (and any other communities that are incubating specs with public prototypes of multiple implementations - i.e. not just single-project-communities)