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The Vision for the Web doesn't include growing its scope #143

Open dontcallmedom opened 7 months ago

dontcallmedom commented 7 months ago

From my reading, none of the goals listed in W3C's Vision for the Web say anything about growing the scope of the Web. This is alluded to in the Vision for W3C ("continuing to expand the Web’s scope and reach"), but it seems like a gap to me that this isn't anchored in the vision for the Web.

This is all the more important that many of the questions about scoping and prioritizing W3C's work probably hinges on the question of what directions we think W3C needs to help the Web grow.

My sense is that one the drivers is that we see the Web as a unique interoperable open digital platform for humanity, and that as such, it should strive to grow to match the new needs and usages that emerge in the field. But whether that's the right characterization or not, whether it's sufficient or not, I think that question ought to be addressed in the "vision for the Web"

cwilso commented 5 months ago

I think this is adequately covered, and definitely stated that we expect the Web to grow, evolve and expand:

I don't think the goal of this Vision is to clearly answer "should we clearly prioritize this technical area, or that one?", but to give the clear underpinnings of what values should drive those priorities.

dontcallmedom commented 5 months ago

To make sure the scope of my request was clear: I was specifically noting that the section "Vision for the Web" doesn't talk at all about growing the scope of the Web; in fact, read literally, a better approach to fulfilling the vision as currently described would be to freeze it (since it is arguably easier to secure and make interoperable a fixed-scope platform).

So while I agree (and noted in my OP) that the idea of scope growth is mentioned in other parts of the document, its absence in the Vision for the Web is really what my issue is about. As it stands today, you would likely have trouble associating the charters of many (probably most) W3C groups to its vision for the Web, which sounds like a bug to me.

(I'm not suggesting the document should have a simple answer to technical prioritization - my phrasing attempt ("grow to match the new needs and usages that emerge in the field") was to suggest why the scope of the Web needs to keep growing, with some high level anchoring - again, not married to that particular phrasing or justification)

cwilso commented 5 months ago

Hmm. Thanks for clarifying, @dontcallmedom , that's helpful.

I'm still not convinced we're prepared to explicitly put scope growth in the Web - probably because we've danced around the definition of "what is the Web?" and what is its scope, anyway. :/ I don't think I agree with your statement "you would likely have trouble associating the charters of many (probably most) W3C groups to its vision for the Web" - because we don't scope the Web down to a specific set of technologic space anywhere.

dwsinger commented 5 months ago

I think the vision implies a growing scope because it talks about (evolving) needs, but this could be more explicit, I suppose.