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Mission of the W3C as a workspace #87

Open KotisK opened 1 year ago

KotisK commented 1 year ago

Propose to add "workspace" (or even replacing "forum"). As @michaelchampion suggested, it envisions W3C as a venue to DO things not just TALK.

The fundamental purpose of the W3C is to provide an open forum and workspace where diverse voices from around the world and from different industries work together to build consensus on global standards for current and future Web technologies. This forum and workspace welcome individuals and organizations of all sizes (from single-person companies to multi-nationals), and takes into active consideration feedback from the general, technical, and scientific public.

frivoal commented 1 year ago

I think there's two nuances here. One is the one you point to "do we just talk, or also do", and for that, forum might not be the ideal word indeed. The other nuance is that W3C isn't doing it all by itself, it is an enabler, a place where people come to meet to do it together. "open forum and workspace" doesn't contradict that, but by being a longer phrase than just "forum", it seems to dilute the message a bit.

Maybe instead of "forum" or "forum and workspace", we could use "venue"? The idea of not just talking but also doing seems covered by the main verb of the sentence "work together**.

cwilso commented 5 months ago

I personally like the connotation of "forum" better; as Florian says, the idea of not just talking but doing seems well covered by "work together". Venue doesn't say much about what happens - exchanging ideas is a huge part of building consensus.