Open dbooth-boston opened 5 years ago
Front-end devs I talked to did not want to work with triples.
Not sure if I fully get that issue but parts of what I read in there is available in Clownface. It's a Tinkerpop/Gremlin inspired graph traversal library on top of the RDFJS Dataset specification.
Other initiatives:
and I suppose JSON-LD counts as well
The RDF.js stuff is actually born out of the RDF.js CG @rdfjs
The @levelgraph project also has some interesting query/filtering/navigation approaches that might be worth considering/exploring.
"The interface definitions at look promising, and enable literals and blank nodes as the subject of quads. It would be a simple change to define quad as deriving from term so that we can then have quads as the subject or object of other quads, as a basis for property graphs without needing reification. . . . This is incredibly important. Front-end devs I talked to did not want to work with triples. By giving them tools, we enabled them to be enthusiastic about Linked Data."