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move SPARQL-related issues to https://github.com/w3c/sparql-12/issues #67

Closed VladimirAlexiev closed 5 years ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 5 years ago

@dbooth-boston Could you move SPARQL-related issues from here to https://github.com/w3c/sparql-12/issues ? I think Github recently added a feature to move issues.

np00 commented 5 years ago

Cool, I did not know about this. I just asked to join the W3C Community Group: https://www.w3.org/community/sparql-12/

Maybe you should share it in the sem-web mailing list :)

dbooth-boston commented 5 years ago

@VladimirAlexiev , Yes, I think that is a good idea. I'll see if I can figure out how to do it.

dbooth-boston commented 5 years ago

Ok, I think I have transferred all of them, so I will close this issue. FYI #39 (SPARQL Triplestore and Reasoning Performance) is more a complaint about tools than the SPARQL standard, so I'm leaving that one.