w3c / IndexedDB

Indexed Database API
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TPAC 2023 status report #413

Closed inexorabletash closed 8 months ago

inexorabletash commented 1 year ago

See also:

Progress in the last 12 months

In the spec itself, only editorial changes have been made in the last 12 months. These include:

The set of new APIs (relative to 2.0) remains unchanged:

No new PRs that haven't merged.

New unresolved issues since last TPAC:

Moving to CR/Rec


See comments there, namely: we'll need to be more rigorous about getting consensus before landing any normative changes. But the change rate is low.

I believe these are the highest priority issues to tackle:

There are plenty of other ways the spec could be made more rigorous tracked as issues, but they would just be editorial. PRs welcome!

What is your plan to unblock it and do you need any help?

Bit of a broken record here, but additional editors would be helpful. @aliams stepped down as editor leaving just @inexorabletash. Reviews for editorial-type changes can get done by the community, but actively pushing workstreams forward would strongly benefit from other implementers stepping up to help as editors.

cc: @marcoscaceres @LJWatson @siusin

inexorabletash commented 1 year ago

Note that I won't be attending TPAC 2023 in person, and the timing is pretty bad for the spec status reports session, so I'm not planning to participate live. I'm not expecting much discussion about IndexedDB, but thanks in advance for capturing any conversation in the minutes.

Extra big thanks to all the people that volunteer to be editors. :wink: