w3c / IndexedDB

Indexed Database API
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Documentation correction of step numbers #418

Closed chrisrob closed 4 months ago

chrisrob commented 4 months ago

Section: 7.1. Extract a key from a value Para: To evaluate a key path on a value Step 4: For each identifier of identifiers, jump to the appropriate step below: .... nested For Each ending in "Otherwise [...steps 1 to 5 ...]" is followed by steps numbered 12 and 13, but should be numbered 5 and 6.

inexorabletash commented 4 months ago

Thanks! This seems to be an issue with the W3C stylesheet included by Bikeshed. The <dt> elements have display: list-item which includes them in the numbering.

chrisrob commented 4 months ago

This seems to be fixed. Thank you. Now if I can just get my implementation's act together as quickly as that..:-)