w3c / PFE-analysis

Code repository for tools for the the testing and analysis of potential Progressive Font Enrichment (PFE) solutions.
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Fontplus dynamic subsetting #64

Open svgeesus opened 3 years ago

svgeesus commented 3 years ago

I have been made aware of a dynamic subsetting font service in Japan: https://fontplus.jp/service

which notes

使う文字だけを読み込む効率的なフォント表示。ページが重くならないので、高品質なページをすばやくユーザーに届けます。 (Efficient font display that reads only the characters to be used. It doesn't make the page heavy, so it delivers high quality pages to users quickly.)

I have no other details about this.

terkel commented 2 years ago

@svgeesus Hi, I’m product manager for FontPlus.

Our dynamic subsetting is using JavaScript that parses HTML and requests a subset of characters in the page. Just like Adobe Fonts’ approach for CJK fonts.

This approach works well on static website, but not on dynamic website like SPA. So our team is very interested in PFE!

svgeesus commented 2 years ago

@terkel Thanks for the update!

There is now a demo of Incremental Font Transfer (IFT - we changed the name!) using the patch-subset method, see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webfonts-wg/2021Nov/0000.html for instructions.

The demo is very early and also depends on COLRv1 fonts so it only runs in Chrome and requires enabling a flag. But the byte transfer savings compared to unicode-range are very impressive.