w3c / PWETF

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make reporting section in CEPC more robust #192

Open TzviyaSiegman opened 2 years ago

TzviyaSiegman commented 2 years ago

See https://geekfeminismdotorg.wordpress.com/about/code-of-conduct/ and https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct/ for guidance

OR13 commented 2 years ago

For clarity, this issue is regarding this section: https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/#Reporting


TzviyaSiegman commented 2 years ago

@OR13 yes it is. Thanks!

OR13 commented 2 years ago

I would add to this list, some content regarding W3C and non W3C channels, for example:

Reporting communications on twitter, reddit, or youtube, vs W3C IRC, slack or working group calls.

It's my understanding that the current language encourages reporting and makes no mention of whether the location of the communication makes a difference, but I believe it does, based on side conversations I have had.

Folks should be discouraged from reporting communications in channels where there will be no consequences... since that just makes a lot of work for W3C, with no useful outcome for the reporting, and no effective learning for the potential violator.

For example, reporting twitter communications, it my understanding that twitter communications are not covered by CEPC, since they are "outside the W3C".

If thats not correct, we should make the boundary of where the code applies and where consequences should be expected explicit.

For example, violators can't just continue to tweet their attack to a room full of people, and get by saying "Im not talking to X, member of group Y", I'm just speaking my mind.... when X is a member of W3C, and the tweeter is also a member...

Hopefully I am making enough sense to get my point.... the goal is to make it clear where the boundaries are, both for the code and potential consequences.... this should help improve the quality of reports and also cause folks not to be surprised if / when they are reported for coms outside or inside for the boundary.

Fawzyty commented 2 years ago
