w3c / PWETF

Positive Work Environment Community Group
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When shouldn't you raise an issue about a CoC violation? #333

Open chaals opened 11 months ago

chaals commented 11 months ago

In the second paragraph of the Reporting section, it says

In most instances if you have an issue with someone’s behavior along the lines of this Code then please raise it;

I'm not sure what the "in most instances" is intended for, but I think we should either clarify, or remove it.

I presume that the caveat would be that if you don't feel safe raising it, there needs to be some way you can feel safe. But I don't think that translates to a request not to say anything.

An alternative guess is that there are things trivial enough not to raise, and there are sometimes claims of violations that seem more like an attempt to deflect or share blame than any real violation. But again, that needs to be explained IMHO.