w3c / Unicorn

Unicorn - W3C's Unified Validator
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Support of WAI-ARIA Elements #113

Open vivienlacourba opened 8 years ago

vivienlacourba commented 8 years ago

Reported by thomas joechler on 2 Aug 2010 07:25 UTC We are looking forward to an integration of WAI-ARIA elements in W3C's validation services. These elements are already "out there" and they do work quite well, but unfortunately there is no way to validate such a page (e.g. http://www.wien.gv.at).

vivienlacourba commented 8 years ago

Comment by anonymous on 11 Oct 2010 10:36 UTC Aren't those supported by their doctypes in the validator?

vivienlacourba commented 8 years ago

Comment by Abdul on 18 Feb 2012 19:03 UTC Thank you for your enpalxation and the links, Steve I've installed FireVox and found your examples useful. Do you know any good sites who already use WAI-ARIA?