w3c / Unicorn

Unicorn - W3C's Unified Validator
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Option to collapse sections by default #154

Closed vivienlacourba closed 8 years ago

vivienlacourba commented 8 years ago

Reported by anonymous on 9 Jun 2011 21:19 UTC Hi,

Could you maybe add an url parameter like ucn_results=collapsed, so that when you link to the results from your website, all the sections are collapsed by default, so you get a clean overview of what tests you passed and didn't pass and if you want more information you can click to open them?


vivienlacourba commented 8 years ago

Comment by anonymous on 11 Jun 2011 19:26 UTC Or #collapsed.

vivienlacourba commented 8 years ago

Comment by tgambet on 12 Jun 2011 00:04 UTC I didn't see any reason not to so consider it done :) (using the #collapsed way)