w3c / Unicorn

Unicorn - W3C's Unified Validator
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Validator consideres in2 on feComposite to be a required attribute #178

Closed vivienlacourba closed 7 years ago

vivienlacourba commented 8 years ago

Reported by aaron on 12 Nov 2013 16:29 UTC The SVG spec at http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/filters.html#feCompositeIn2Attribute says that in2 on feComposite operates like in, and every SVG implementation I can get my hands on interprets it to be non-required; however, the validator says that it is.

By implementors it seems to be interpreted unambiguously to be non-required, with the same defaults as `in'.

P.S. The SVG validator is unreachable most of the time, I wasn't able to get it to try again after the first time it worked.

jean-gui commented 7 years ago

Whether this is an actual bug or not, I believe it is fixed now that we use Nu HTML Checker.