w3c / Unicorn

Unicorn - W3C's Unified Validator
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Feed Validation #194

Open simonkramer opened 7 years ago

simonkramer commented 7 years ago

Hello, Validation of webpages that don't provide a feed should not result in feed validation errors such as "This document has not passed the test: Feed Validator". Please correct this bug. Example: https://www.simon-kramer.ch Best, Simon

ghost commented 5 years ago

Hello, it's not a bug... it's case-sensitive problem - the .html files must start with <!DOCTYPE html> not <!doctype ... >or something. Because it's not a tag - it's keyword and must be written upper case. (as far as I know) But, Simon has right - the comment/explanation is not good! Simple .html caused "this feed does no validate" and "Feeds should not be served with the "text/html" media type"... It Should be as warning like "check the declaration" or straight "change it - it's case-sensitive".

Please, correct this. I've spend many hours looking for "where is the problem"...

simonkramer commented 5 years ago

Dear validator-lover,

Thank you for your response.

However please note that https://www.simon-kramer.ch does start with <!DOCTYPE html> (as taught by https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp), but still produces an inappropriate error message.

I suspect that now the problem is that your server cannot handle http-to-https-redirects. What do you think?



ghost commented 5 years ago

Hi Simon! I'm got lost - you mean your server not mine? Anyway I checked your site - it validates excellent! I don't remember how exactly was 4 days ago, but if I wrote about lower case, I assume I looked at the source and found it there. (now is upper case and validates) Don't ask me about server weakness :) it's not my level. I just have fun with html, css and php. Hosting cares about the rest. And unicorn of course! But, as I read/heard https makes problems :)

I repeat stubbornly - the problem exist - empty .html file should not trigger such an error message. By the way - link [help] (more information about this error) - does not work... bye, I still love validator

simonkramer commented 5 years ago

Hi validator-lover,

I mean YOUR server, and my site only passes the HTML- and the CSS-test but still gives "Feed Validator"-error although my site does NOT provide an RSS-feed:


So, your RSS-feed checker does not seem to be able to cope with redirections as opposed to your HTML- and CSS-checkers, which are able to do so.

Note that when I explicitly indicate HTTPS such as with


there is no RSS-feed error.

So it does seem to be a configuration problem of your RSS-feed checker.



ghost commented 5 years ago

@simonkramer writes:

Hi validator-lover, I mean YOUR server (...) your RSS-feed checker (...) your HTML- and CSS-checkers (...) problem of your RSS-feed checker.

I'm not the 'github', 'w3c' or 'Unicorn' neither the owner of them. Got it? I'm a (helping) user.

Apparently, your validation problems disappeared right after my first post. Spontaneously? Magically? Now your declaration has appropriate case and validates as well! for http: https://validator.w3.org/unicorn/check?ucn_uri=www.simon-kramer.ch%2F&ucn_task=conformance# for https: https://validator.w3.org/unicorn/check?ucn_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.simon-kramer.ch%2F&ucn_task=conformance#

Even if it was a magic, you should check it out instead of copy-paste old invalid results link... Grow up

simonkramer commented 5 years ago

Dear validator-lover,

If you are not responsible, then who is, please?

I merely meant to demonstrate that HTML- and CSS-checking behaves correctly with respect to simon-kramer.ch whereas RSS-feed checking does not.

RSS-feed checking breaks depending on the domain name prefix.

So this misbehaviour requires fixing, IMHO.

