w3c / Unicorn

Unicorn - W3C's Unified Validator
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Embedded SVG gives Error #219

Open WolfgangStock opened 1 year ago

WolfgangStock commented 1 year ago

Hello community,

i need to create a single html document with an embeded svg image. I have attached a minimal example as csv so you can rename it to html and try the validator.

When i checked it (upload by file) with https://www.freeformatter.com/html-validator.html it looks fine. Also when i checked it with https://validator.w3.org everythink is ok. But when i use https://validator.w3.org/unicorn/ then i got a message that the css validator have a problem with properties from within the SVG code.

Is this a bug in Unicorn or do i have to change something in my code that it works fine in all three validators?

Thank you and best regards from Bavaria Wolfgang SVG-Example.csv