w3c / WebID

MIT License
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The comments edge case #38

Closed melvincarvalho closed 8 months ago

melvincarvalho commented 8 months ago

Bob has his home page written in RDF, with some profile data and a simple commenting system.

Alice comments on the home page "Love the new look"

Now on this hope page there are two WebIDs. One for Alice and one for Bob.

The final WebID spec needs to be able to determine that the page is the WebID for #Bob (primary key) and not the WebID for #Alice (foreign key)

Just flagging this edge case as we complete the definitions so it gets handled. This issue can be closed at any time, it's just a sanity check.

melvincarvalho commented 8 months ago

Closing as there seems not a big appetite in this, it can be moved to "discussions" or reopened as needed. Happy that it has been flagged.