w3c / accname

Accessible Name and Description Computation
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Placeholder for next meeting discussion: Changing "2F.i" to "2F" in step 2H #169

Open accdc opened 1 year ago

accdc commented 1 year ago

@spectranaut @jnurthen @aleventhal @cyns @cookiecrook @jcsteh

Adding this as a placeholder for our next ARIA meeting to discuss the commit at https://github.com/w3c/accname/commit/bf517241fe7f820d989ab772d0bc9e62

For reference, review the Chromium issue at https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1357221#c33

spectranaut commented 1 year ago

Here is the original commit that added the original text: https://github.com/w3c/accname/commit/1fc8b7f9738d94f9bfcbd4a811c6199833689540