w3c / accname

Accessible Name and Description Computation
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How should `<slot aria-label="foo">` be treated? #173

Closed nolanlawson closed 1 year ago

nolanlawson commented 1 year ago

Related to #93 and #20.

While looking into shadow DOM and slots (https://github.com/w3c/accname/pull/167#issuecomment-1262688553), I found an apparent disagreement between UAs.

Consider this DOM (Codepen):

<label id="the-label">
      foo <slot aria-label="label"></slot> bar
<button aria-labelledby="the-label"> 

(Note the aria-label on the <slot>.)

What should the <button>'s accessible name be in this case? The UAs disagree:

Browser ATs tested Result
Chrome 105 VoiceOver, NVDA "foo label bar"
Firefox 104 VoiceOver, NVDA "foo slotted bar"
Safari 16 VoiceOver "foo slotted bar"

Firefox and Safari ignore the aria-label, whereas Chrome treats it as significant.

The result is the same for default slotted content (see the same Codepen):

Browser ATs tested Result
Chrome 105 VoiceOver, NVDA "foo label bar"
Firefox 104 VoiceOver, NVDA "foo default bar"
Safari 16 VoiceOver "foo default bar"

Per the HTML spec:

A slot element represents its assigned nodes, if any, and its contents otherwise.

Per this definition, it seems to me that the Firefox/Safari behavior is correct, and Chrome's is incorrect. (I.e. the slot's aria-label should be ignored; only its contents should be considered to "represent" it.)

Note this should also apply to aria-description, aria-labelledby, and aria-describedby. (I did not test these though.)

scottaohara commented 1 year ago

this comment from an HTML validator issue i had filed is relevant.

I would not expect any ARIA attributes to be respected on a slot. I think safari and firefox are correct here

nolanlawson commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback! I've filed a bug on Chromium.

accdc commented 1 year ago

Thanks for raising this, we spoke about it at our last meeting and consensus was that slot should not be expected to have an accessible name. I'll close this as a non-issue with AccName for now.