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ARIA/AccName Conflict: aria-label allowed on generic in a traversal, but labelling a generic is an author error due to "name prohibited" #221

Open cookiecrook opened 8 months ago

cookiecrook commented 8 months ago

That label/labelledby is allowed on a generic as part of a traversal may be in conflict with "name prohibited", so we have a joint issue between the AccName and ARIA specs...

Originally posted by @cookiecrook in https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/209#issuecomment-1774181678

cookiecrook commented 8 months ago

We discussed this in the last two meetings, but I wanted to make sure we had a specific tracker for it. This might get incorporated into #220

MelSumner commented 4 months ago

I just tested this out because I'm very puzzled by it, as it conflicts with how I understand aria-label should work. It should only be used in conjunction with specific roles or on specific elements. But Chrome is definitely returning it on a generic.

Did this change at some point?

Also, I'm noting here that there's a wider pattern that I'm noticing where other spec is changed or updated but there's no issue to also update ACCNAME. Only noting it so I can take an action item to discuss this with @accdc when we next meet.