w3c / accname

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Editorial: Move this spec to ARIA monorepo #237

Closed spectranaut closed 1 week ago

spectranaut commented 2 months ago

In order to more easily keep track of the many ARIA specifications and spec changes, we are moving to an ARIA monorepo. We will merge this PR after https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/2183 and all PRs have been moved.

This repo will remain open for issue tracking, and the editor's draft will still be published here to maintain editor's draft URLs.

:boom: Error: 500 Internal Server Error :boom:

PR Preview failed to build. (Last tried on Jul 9, 2024, 9:27 PM UTC).

More PR Preview relies on a number of web services to run. There seems to be an issue with the following one: :rotating_light: [Spec Generator](https://www.w3.org/2015/labs/) - Spec Generator is the web service used to build specs that rely on ReSpec. :link: [Related URL]([object Object]) ``` 🕵️‍♀️ That doesn't seem to be a ReSpec document. Please check manually: http://localhost:8082/uploads/A1lbGw/index.html?isPreview=true%3FisPreview%3Dtrue&publishDate=2024-07-09 ``` _If you don't have enough information above to solve the error by yourself (or to understand to which web service the error is related to, if any), please [file an issue](https://github.com/tobie/pr-preview/issues/new?title=Error%20not%20surfaced%20properly&body=See%20w3c/accname%23237.)._