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TPAC Followup re APA CR [this issue migrates from email to here to track] #234

Closed ruoxiran closed 1 year ago

ruoxiran commented 1 year ago

Email at: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Group/group-apa-chairs/2022Nov/0066.html

plain text as below:

Dear Rossen, Philippe, All:

Thank you for a helpful meeting during TPAC. In this followup I'm setting aside procedural questions we raised during our meeting and focussing instead on our next steps for our prospective WAI-Adapt Candidate Recommendation draft.

FYI, or TPAC minutes are here:


My primary take-away was that we had too many, seemingly unrelated attributes in the CR draft we'd put forward. I also recall hearing that the AAC symbols attribute was the most "architecturally sound" of all our proposed attributes.

What We Have Done Since

1.) We have dropped all attributes from our proposed CR except symbol support. The current draft we hope to propose before the December moratoriumis here:


NOTE: By request of WHATWG (with whom we also met during TPAC: https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-apa-minutes.html#t03), this CR draft is using the Adapt- prefix. See also this github issue:


2.) Because we need normative reference to a symbols registry for AAC symbols support, we are about to publish a FPWD of "WAI-Adapt Registry for AAC Symbols:"


NOTE: We have worked with Blissymbolics Communication International (BCI) on this FPWD, because our approach brings their concept index to web content.

3.) We continue to update our Explainer. Most specifically, all references to advertising as a use case are now removed from the Explainer. Instead, we are developing other use cases in cooperation with the W3C Web for Children Community Group (among others):


As we'd like to avoid returning to any kind of miscommunication with the TAG, I am providing our plans in advance of proposing document transitions. If you'd like any particular action before we move to CR with AAC symbols, and to FPWD with a Registry for AAC symbols, please advise.

Thanking you for your help,


ruoxiran commented 1 year ago

this issue related with CR transtion process for WAI-Adapt: Symbols Module, and also related with https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/443 and https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/476 .

ruoxiran commented 1 year ago

TAG's minutes