w3c / apa

APA WG deliverables have been moved to individual repositories
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Means of input and output REQ 4 [NAUR] #151

Closed JWJPaton closed 3 years ago

JWJPaton commented 3 years ago

The base requirement is that the device/service is accessible so we should be clear that a non-natural language alternative that fulfils an accessibility need is acceptable.

I suggest changing "REQ 4:Support multiple output devices and methods." to "REQ 4: Support multiple output devices and methods either within the natural language interface/s or via alternatives."

RealJoshue108 commented 3 years ago

@JWJPaton I've added these suggested edits to this branch https://github.com/w3c/apa/compare/jpaton-edits-suggestions

RealJoshue108 commented 3 years ago

merged into main