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4.4 Immersive personalisation #83

Closed nicolocarpignoli closed 4 years ago

nicolocarpignoli commented 4 years ago

REQ 3a, can be extended proposing some sort of 'categorisation' support for the user, in combination with Symbols. Symbols can be related to categories, so the user can create semantic sets of objects. To have categories helps users to remember Symbols semantics. They should also have the possibility to create custom categories in order to have their own categorisation system - other than default ones.

REQ 3b, users may benefit to have an option to enable/disable autoplay of content like video/audio/animations. Also, they may benefit on having explicit controls on playing/pause of any animation/audio/video happening on screen (or if audio, even not visually presented but just playing).

RealJoshue108 commented 4 years ago

Useful suggestions @nicolocarpignoli we will discuss both in RQTF, thanks.

I find the idea that some may choose to auto play video content within XR interesting - if you wish to outline the user needs in more detail for both of your ideas - that would be helpful.

nicolocarpignoli commented 4 years ago

About REQ 3a idea it is simply an extension of the 'symbols' proposal on the document. It is better to offer to the user a system where he/she can organise things in a semantic way according to his way of thinking, this will address different mindsets and different ways of organising things (this are all very personal stuff). Think about how people manage their files on PCs, their desktops, folders, and so on. Anyone should have the tools to organise content to find them better and not feel lost.

About REQ 3b idea, two things I can add:

RealJoshue108 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the comments @nicolocarpignoli firstly regarding personalisation and Symbol sets - we have discussed this in RQTF and the consensus is that support for Personalisation Semantics specs that are coming out the Personalisation Task force would be a great help here to meet these user needs.

We need to iterate/update the XAUR with references to these documents - also there will be a new personalisation spec coming shortly I believe. Thanks for the very useful input!

RealJoshue108 commented 4 years ago

@nicolocarpignoli Regarding your input on autoplay, we discussed this in RQTF and the consensus was that this is dealt with by WCAG SC 1.4.2 Audio control https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/audio-control.html and that this success criterion is equally applicable in XR.

RealJoshue108 commented 4 years ago

Minutes of RQTF call: https://www.w3.org/2020/04/29-rqtf-minutes.html

lseeman commented 4 years ago

@nicolocarpignoli I am facilitator of the personlization task force. Would you be interested in participation? feel free to email me lisa . seeman @ zoho. c o m

nicolocarpignoli commented 4 years ago

@lseeman sent you an email!