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Public Working Draft Suggestions (Web) #96

Open PAFaieta opened 4 years ago

PAFaieta commented 4 years ago

Note: I can move this into my other issue as well, but they're not related


Captions (Live) 1.2.4: Add in clear distinction between how Captions differ from Subtitles and language guidelines. We've had a lot of questions as to what is required in this area, and I've had to pull from the Language of Parts guidelines and others to come up with something. Add in a success criteria that states that the Captions must match the Voice-Over language of the video. This would extend to 1.2.7 per language criteria.

Headings & Labels 2.4.6: Expand on heading usage and impact on page flow. (eg. Should be used to introduce content, not decorate text, and should not be the child of another element)

Focus Visible 2.4.7: There's a lot of cross-over with 2.4.11, so I would suggest condensing this into a flat guideline and adding success criteria based on how to meet moving this into Level A Compliance. The language can be cleaned up to say that the border should be at least 2 CSS pixels (I would propose 3) around the element, and would suggest possibly moving to the 4.5:1 contrast ratio for greater clarity. Based on conversations with colleagues though, this is a contentious one since the CSS created to meet this criteria needs to be closely monitored. In my opinion, this should be left on the browsers to come up with something more robust.

Target Size 2.5.5: Move down to AA Compliance. This should help to alleviate concerns on responsive views and at least partly compensate for pixel dense screens especially on mobile. Also suggest specifying a minimum width and having aspect ratio of the image be considered since most targets are not square.

[NEW] Viewport Baseline 4.1.4: State here that the default viewport should match a baseline CSS pixel width and height of 1920 x 1080 (1080p) subject to change. I would argue this could go up to 2560 x 1440 (1440p) and work as a more future-proof baseline especially considering new-generation phones. Would relate to 1.4.10 Reflow and make things clearer.