w3c / aria-at-app

Test runner and results reporter for ARIA-AT
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UI for automatically starting automation runs with results for previous AT version #1162

Open stalgiag opened 1 month ago

stalgiag commented 1 month ago


We are beginning to develop a feature that would enable rerunning all test plan runs completed with the previous AT version whenever a new AT version with automation is added to the app. We thought it important to make it clear to the admins what is happening instead of doing this automatically upon the addition of the AT version. Towards that goal, we decided that a minimal intervention in the "Manage Assistive Technology Versions" disclosure could sufficiently communicate the status of jobs that are available for rerunning and prompt admins to begin those jobs.

Proposed UI

In the Manage Assistive Technology Versions disclosure, if the version selected with the dropdown is supported by automation and there are historical Test Plan Reports completed with automation for a previous AT version then to the right of the 'Available Versions' dropdown, the following UI should be added:

text element

X runs completed by AT Bot with Prior AT version support being rerun with AT Version

button with label

Start X runs with AT Bot using AT Version

@mcking65 could we get your feedback on this proposal?

cc @ccanash @gnarf