w3c / aria-at

Assistive Technology ARIA Experience Assessment
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Surface failures and provide links to AT/Browser bugs #1085

Open mfairchild365 opened 4 months ago

mfairchild365 commented 4 months ago

I've been chatting with some of the maintainers for blink who are very interested in prioritizing and resolving any blink bugs that we find. The problem is that it's difficult to identify such bugs in our current reports.

Our working mode states that we should log bugs against AT/browsers when the test plan hits the recommended stage, however we don't have any in that stage right now.

This brings me to a few potential opportunities:

  1. Can we move the bug filing step to the candidate phase or earlier?
  2. Can we display links to associated bugs in our reports? If bug tracking is private, we can create a placeholder bug in our issue tracker.
  3. Can we surface failing assertions in our reports better? Right now, it's hard to answer the question 'which assertions are failing and why' when skimming the reports.
aleventhal commented 4 months ago

Blink a11y lead here. We also work very closely with most of the AT vendors, and can help prioritize issues.