w3c / aria-at

Assistive Technology ARIA Experience Assessment
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Update test builder to support V2 of test format #977

Closed mcking65 closed 11 months ago

mcking65 commented 1 year ago


Revise the aria-at build scripts so they support not only V1 but also the new V2 test format defined in #974.

While versions of the test plans that are written in the V1 format will all eventually be deprecated, for at least a few years, we will continue to need the ability to view plans written in the V1 format.

Note: Consider moving the directory tests/resources to scripts/resources or some other location outside of tests since the content of that folder is not related to any specific test plan and appears to be related to building the test plans.

Changes to build review files

When running the build, a review file for each test plan is generated in the directory build/review. When the builder is building a test plan that is written in the V2 format, it should generate an HTML file that has the following differences when compared to the files currently being generated for the V1 format.

This zip file contains a mockup of a portion of the slider test plan in V2 format. horizontal-slider.zip

Note that this description is referring to properties in support.json that are visible in the slider-refactor branch via #975. That branch includes a refactor of the horizontal-slider test plan into the V2 format.

Page title

Change the H1 to have format TITLE Test Plan (NUMBER_OF_TESTS tests) where TITLE is the value of the title refId in references.csv.:


<h1>Color Viewer Test plan (9 tests)</h1>

Filter radio group

Change the label of the radio group to communicate that the radios represent the AT covered by the plan:


<legend>Filter tests by covered assistive technology</legend>

To ensure there is a radio button for each AT that is covered, use the names of"AT_KEY-command.csv" files as the source of which AT are covered. For each command CSV file, include a radio button labeled using the corresponding name property in support.json.

Supporting documentation section

After the filters, add a level 2 heading with text "Supporting Documentation".

After the heading, list any of the following references that are included in references.csv. Since these apply to the entire test plan, do not include these references in the list of relevant specifications under the h2 for each test:

For each of the above refIds, include a link using link text from the linkText column and the URI from the value column.


    <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/slider/examples/slider-color-viewer/"">APG Color Viewer Slider Example</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/slider/">APG Slider Pattern</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/403">Developmen documented in ARIA-AT GitHub issue 403</a></li>

Changes in list under test title

Make the following changes in the ul under the heading with the test title, e.g., <h2 class="jaws nvda voiceover_macos">Test 1: Navigate forwards to a slider</h2>.

Remove specification of screen reader mode.

Example: <li>Mode: interaction</li>

Remove "applies to" statement.

Example: <li>Applies to: jaws, nvda, voiceover_macos</li>

Add a paragraph before the list with text from ariaSpecsPreface where ariaSpecsPreface is the value of the name property of an object in the testPlanStrings array in support.json and the paragraph text is the value of the string property in that object.

Change the content of the subsequent lis to:

Example from slider test 1:

  <p>Tested ARIA features:</p>
    <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria#slider">slider role specification</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria#aria-labelledby">aria-labelledby attribute specification</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria#aria-valuenow">aria-valuenow attribute specification</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria#aria-valuemin">aria-valuemin attribute specification</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria#aria-valuemax">aria-valuemax attribute specification</a></li>

Changes under the h3 for each AT

Make the following changes to the content that follows the level 3 heading for each AT, e.g., <h3>JAWS</h3>.

Remove the level 4 heading and content covering scripted instructions.


<h4>Scripted Instructions</h4>
        The following instructions are executed by a script in the test page to initialize the widget:
        <li>sets focus on a link before the Red slider</li>

Make the following changes under <h4>Tester Instructions</h4>:

Change the heading content to "Instructions".

Example: <h4>Instructions</h4>

Make the first instructions list item the instruction for configuring the AT with default settings. use the value of the defaultConfigurationInstructionsHTML property in support.json.


<li>Configure JAWS with default settings. For help, read <a href="https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/wiki/Configuring-Screen-Readers-for-Testing">Configuring Screen Readers for Testing</a>.</li>

Remove the instructions list item about setting reading or interaction mode.

Example: <li>Verify the PC Cursor is active by pressing Alt+Delete. If it is not, turn off the Virtual Cursor by pressing Insert+Z.</li>

Make the second instructions list item the open example instruction with form: `openExampleInstruction + " " + setupScriptDescription + "."`` where:


<li>Activate the "Open test page" button, which opens the example to test in a new window and runs a script that sets focus on a link before the Red slider.</li>

Make the third instructions list item the perform task instruction with one of the following two forms:


This list item includes a nested list of all commands assigned to this test in AT_KEY-commands.csv where each list item contains a command-sequence string and an optional settings specification.:

The pairing of command-sequence string and settings specifications used in these list items is also used in other parts of the test plan display. For ease of reference, It is referred to as a command-specification string.


        Starting at the 'Navigate forwards from here' link, navigate to the 'Red' slider.
        Do this with each of the following commands or command sequences.
        If any settings are specified in parenthesies, ensure  the settings are active before executing the command or command sequence.
          <li>Down Arrow then Down Arrow (Virtual Cursor Active)</li>
          <li>Tab (Virtual Cursor Active)</li>
          <li>Tab (PC Cursor Active)</li>

If any of the commands in the above list specify a setting, follow the instructions with a paragraph and ordered list for each setting that explains how to activate the setting.

The paragraph contains settingInstructionsPreface + " " + screenText + ":" where:

The ordered list contains the content of the instructions property for that setting in the settings array for that AT in support.json. The instructions property is an array, and each element in the array is an item in the ordered list.


    <p>To perform a command with virtual cursor active:</p>
      <li>Press Alt+Delete to determine which cursor is active.</li>
      <li>If the PC cursor is active, press Escape to activate the virtual cursor.</li>
    <p>To perform a command with PC cursor active:</p>
      <li>Press Alt+Delete to determine which cursor is active.</li>
      <li>If the virtual cursor is active, press Insert+z to disable the virtual cursor.</li>

Replace the current table listing assertions and their priorities with a series of headings and tables. One table for each command that is preceded by a level 4 heading. The order of the series is determined by the presentationNumber values in the AT_KEY-commands.csv file for the given test.

The heading has form:

command-specification string + ": X MUST, Y SHOULD, and Z MAY assertions"


The table has 3 columns:


Example from the JAWS section of the slider test 1 preview:

    <h4 id="t1-jaws-c1">Down Arrow then Down Arrow (virtual cursor active): 3 MUST, 3 SHOULD, AND 0 MAY assertions</h4>
    <table aria-labelledby="t1-jaws-c1">
        <th>Assertion Phrase</th>
        <th>Assertion Statement</th>
        <td>Convey role &#39;slider&#39;</td>
        <td>Role &#39;slider&#39; is conveyed</td>
        <td>Convey name &#39;Red&#39;</td>
        <td>Name &#39;Red&#39; is conveyed</td>
        <td>Convey value &#39;128&#39;</td>
        <td>Value &#39;128&#39; is conveyed</td>
        <td>Convey Orientation &#39;horizontal&#39;</td>
        <td>Orientation &#39;horizontal&#39; is conveyed</td>
        <td>Convey minimum value &#39;0&#39;</td>
        <td>Minimum value &#39;0&#39; is conveyed</td>
        <td>Convey maximum value &#39;255&#39;</td>
        <td>Maximum value &#39;255&#39; is conveyed</td>

CSV validation

Some validation rules to check for errors in the CSV content are documented in the Validation section of the Test Format V2.

mcking65 commented 1 year ago


Note that I have updated the V2 format specification with the following changes. I have not yet revised the requirements in this issue to reflect these updates.

Revised testId and assertionId descriptions:

Revised presentationNumber specifications for tests and commands:

Revised requirements related to refId values as described in the assertion and references sections:

Defined new values for reference types:

Revised reference value specification for aria and htmlAam reference types.

Added requirements for linkText.

Added a section describing how link text and href values are calculated for reference links.

Updated validation rules.

howard-e commented 1 year ago

Noted, thanks for pointing that out

jscholes commented 1 year ago

Reopening, as merging #988 doesn't actually resolve this.

mcking65 commented 11 months ago

Using the preview content from #997and #998, I have Fully tested this against the specs. Since this work is already merged to master in aria-at and does not require a deployment, I am closing the issue as complete.

I have raised #1008, #1009, and #1010 to track required follow-up work and address problems I found during test.