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Navigation Treeview Example #2477

Open Patrokl42 opened 2 years ago

Patrokl42 commented 2 years ago

This example not working properly for TalkBack Navigation Treeview Example User is unable to expand tree item

css-meeting-bot commented 1 year ago

The ARIA Authoring Practices (APG) Task Force just discussed Nav Treeview Example.

The full IRC log of that discussion <MarkMcCarthy> TOPIC: Nav Treeview Example
<MarkMcCarthy> github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2477
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: so this isn't working properly for Talkback... I know we did some testing on iOS and Android without screenreaders to make sure they at least functioned. but there isn't support for the tree role in iOS or Android as far as I know
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: this might be a nonissue for us... may be an OS thing if there's no mapping
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: is this a bug in the code that would NOT require a change to the design of the pattern? or could this be Talkback not distinguishing between activation and expansion?
<MarkMcCarthy> Jem: i could try it and see how it goes, can add comments here
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: there's no support for the tree role in Android, so we shouldn't expect it to work. but if it's a matter of something small...
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: how do you know they're expandable parent items?
<MarkMcCarthy> MarkMcCarthy: there's a right arrow facing the word, that when expanded turns into a downward arrow showing the child items
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: we -could- make the arrow icon itself something that talkback can focus on to open the child menu, but then it might have to exist outside of the tree
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: i don't think theres any way to structure a treeitem such that the icon is separate from the link, AND have them both in the treeitem
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: if the icons are outside the links but inside the list items, they might work? hmm
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: i don't think there's a straightforward way to do that
<MarkMcCarthy> Jem: plus the arrow icons look like indicators more than an actionable item
<MarkMcCarthy> MarkMcCarthy: the arrows themselves do appear actionable, though are small targets to click on,
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: and a keyboard user can expand/collapse the list items with the left and right arrow keys
<MarkMcCarthy> MarkMcCarthy: yes
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: can you do the same on android? expand the treeitems without changing the page?
<MarkMcCarthy> MarkMcCarthy: i have to zoom in a bunch, but yes
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: sounds like we're uncovering some stuff. but it might depend on what iOS and Android do, and/or what JAWS and NVDA do with touch events rather than keyboard or mouse
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: i would guess screen readers should perceive the arrows as something different, but as is not sure they would
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: we'll need to think about whether it's possible to structure this so there's an aelement for expand/collapse outside of the treeitem, that's recognizable by touch screen readers
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: sounds like it has to be outside of the treeitem but inside the tree. not sure how ARIA would handle that, as it relates to child items etc.
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: this could end up being an ARIA problem - how to make a tree itself accessible to touch-based screen readers
<MarkMcCarthy> Matt_King: sounds like this is a bigger question then - and a matter of solving some other accessibility issues