w3c / aria-practices

WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG)
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Guidance for implemention of E-Commerce style filter option narrowing #3021

Open bhainesva opened 1 month ago

bhainesva commented 1 month ago


I'm looking for guidance on the correct way to implement a particular pattern I've seen on e-commerce sites.


On a search page a number of filters are presented to allow the user to refine their search. When one of these filters has a lot of options, there is often a text bar that accepts input and filters the visible options to things that match the input text.


Some examples in the wild:


Some of these choices don't seem ideal to me, for example CVS's usage of anchors for options or Target not putting the options in a list which means there's no easy way to tell how many options match the current filter text. But I'm not sure what a correct implementation would look like.

To me the functionality here feels similar to a combobox but I don't know if the fact the options are always visible precludes its usage. I may be reading too much into it but the APG and WAI-ARIA both consistently refer to suggestions as being in a "popup". The APG says "The popup is hidden by default, i.e., the default state is collapsed." WAI-ARIA says "Typically, the initial state of a combobox is collapsed." which is less prescriptive but still implies a collapsed state is possible.

Some other alternatives I've considered are a "search" role, which I think is incorrect because we don't want a landmark, or using aria-controls.