w3c / aria

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)
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directory role deprecation should be written as normative text #2161

Open tranjocelyn opened 2 months ago

tranjocelyn commented 2 months ago

Describe the change

There is aNOTE under directory role stating that Authors are advised to treat directory as deprecated. Instead it should be written as normative text, like This role is deprecated, and also it should not be in a NOTE so that it is clear that the role is deprecated.

Link to the version of the specification or documentation you were looking at

Link to documentation: https://w3c.github.io/aria/#directory

Does the issue exists in the editors draft (the editors draft is the most recent draft of the specification)? Yes.

Related issue in Core AAM: https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/issues/227

tranjocelyn commented 2 months ago


scottaohara commented 2 months ago

it is written as normative text though. the following precedes the note.

directory role [Deprecated in ARIA 1.2] A list of references to members of a group, such as a static table of content

aleventhal commented 2 months ago

How did I miss that? Duh.

Anyway, why does it say in the note, "Authors are advised to treat directory as deprecated", which is much less strong. But not a big deal.

What about the CORE-AAM mapping?

scottaohara commented 2 months ago

yeh, i can see that "advised" could be changed out for another word to make this not seem like it's not actually deprecated.

the core aam mapping is unchanged. the use of the role is deprecated, but the role would still map to list (i could see adding a call out in core aam to further mention that the role itself is deprecated though)

It's been brought up a few times though, that HTML AAM doesn't list the deprecated/obsolete HTML features and what their mappings should be. So there apparently are some who want to know what the mappings are, even for elements/roles that authors should not be using.

spectranaut commented 2 months ago

@tranjocelyn would you be interested in updating the spec to make this more clear?