w3c / aria

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)
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Complex dashboards and standalone cards #2162

Open giacomo-petri opened 7 months ago

giacomo-petri commented 7 months ago

Frequently, we encounter complex dashboards where multiple "cards" with different contexts are presented together. When interacting with the content of one card, only that card's content is affected. Sometimes, this involves reloading the entire card or transitioning from one step to another within the same card.

In HTML, this behavior resembles that of an iframe, but there isn't a corresponding aria role that conveys the same meaning. While it's possible to group the content within a region with an appropriate label, manage focus or utilize live regions to communicate what's happening to our users, I think it would be beneficial to have a feature that explicitly informs assistive technology users that their actions are confined to the specific card, similar to setting expectations as with an iframe.

pkra commented 7 months ago

Related to - or at least overlapping in terminology with - https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1994

spectranaut commented 7 months ago

From today;s meeting (https://www.w3.org/2024/04/18-aria-minutes.html#t01), @giacomo-petri will review the linked discussion and then put "agenda" on this issue to discuss more fully at a future meeting

giacomo-petri commented 7 months ago

After reviewing previous discussions, my concept deviates slightly from the existing proposals. I'm not advocating for a new specific role like "dashboard," "card," or "tile," as these are primarily tied to visual representation and don't necessarily need to convey a visual equivalence.

Furthermore, I don't anticipate keyboard users becoming inadvertently confined within what I'll term a "card" for simplicity, which distinguishes my proposal from the one proposed by Mario. Sighted users can easily grasp and navigate the content of a page regardless of their input device, be it a mouse or keyboard. I don't see the point of trapping keyboard users within a "card". While keyboard shortcuts would be beneficial, they're not the focus of my current proposal.

I've developed a basic demo page, but envisioning a more intricate interaction for each "card": https://codepen.io/Giacomo-Petri/full/JjVejaP. Each "card" functions as a distinct document, updating only its own content.

What I aim for is a role that sets uniform expectations in terms of functionality. As a sighted user, I anticipate that interacting with one "card" affects only its content. Yet simultaneously, if desired, I should be able to transition between cards.

What I think is necessary, based on the scenarios I've encountered, is a role that elucidates and ensures users understand that any action performed is contained within the designated area, yet allows for movement between these areas.

I see an analogy between the native