w3c / at-driver

AT Driver defines a protocol for introspection and remote control of assistive technology software, using a bidirectional communication channel.
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Protocol design #20

Closed zcorpan closed 5 months ago

zcorpan commented 2 years ago

In yesterday's meeting (see minutes) we discussed the initial draft (preview link) and the direction for the protocol. My proposal is to reuse concepts and design from WebDriver BiDi as a starting point. (BiDi is short for bidirectional)

There was no opposition to this in the call, but a request to document this in an issue and ask for input from other parties not present in the call, hence this issue.

Here are a few points to summarize the proposal:

The protocol is only one part of the overall system we envision. A client API (similar to Selenium or Playwright) is needed as well as design of the remote end. This could be handled in a design document, not in scope for the protocol spec.

We'll continue to iterate on the draft in this direction, but welcome feedback!

cc @mfairchild365 @cookiecrook @jscholes @aleventhal @ggordon-vispero @feerrenrut

ggordon-vispero commented 2 years ago

This looks really good to me; Both the issue description and the specification document.

jkva commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

Since the proposed service architecture explicitly mentions not extending WebDriver or a particular WebDriver service, and WebDriver is primarily used as architectural inspiration, I would propose to use an alternative to CDDL, namely JSON Schema.

The current proposal explicitly mentions the messages being JSON encoded, by which I assume there will be no encoding format used such as CBOR, for which CDDL is primarily a data definition language, although it can be used for JSON as well. CBOR has wide support across languages, yet there are fewer CDDL libraries available, and some seem to have not been maintained in a while.

As the service protocol itself looks like it will consist of a limited set of commands and queries, writing a specification in JSON Schema against which to validate messages seems like it would simplify implementation support, as JSON Schema is widely implemented across languages and the protocol already specifies the use of JSON.

Hence this comment is mainly regarding adoption and the availability of CDDL validation libraries. While CDDL as a spec does not seem terribly complex to write a validator for, using "plain" JSON and JSON Schema might ease service implementation.

The only downside I can see is that JSON Schema is an IETF Draft, while CDDL is a IETF Proposed Standard.

Let me know if I've overlooked something that was perhaps previously discussed; I was not part of that meeting. Thanks!

cc @jscholes

zcorpan commented 2 years ago

I've now looked at JSON Schema and CDDL.

Here are the things WebDriver BiDi uses. I assume our needs are unlikely to exceed those of WebDriver BiDi.

From what I can tell, these are covered by both CDDL and JSON Schema.

I considered implementing a translation from CDDL to JSON Schema as part of the spec generation (so that both are available). But I did not find any off-the-shelf tools that do this, and implementing it seems a bit too much sidetrack and might mean that contributors need to understand both CDDL and JSON Schema. So I think we shouldn't do this.

When looking for specifications using JSON Schema, I searched in in w3c/webref and found https://w3c.github.io/manifest/ and https://w3c.github.io/miniapp-manifest/ which normatively define the JSON structure in terms of the Infra Standard and also provide a non-normative JSON Schema in an appendix. This is an option worth considering I think.

Is there a preference between Infra Standard based specification (similar to Web Application Manifest) and normative JSON Schema?

mzgoddard commented 2 years ago

@zcorpan Reading your comment, it seems to me that we should restate that we want to specify a normative description of the protocol. In addition we will produce non-normative content. A complete schema based off the specification would be such a non-normative appendix.

BiDi's specification uses CDDL in normative sections, but you don't have software directly read those normative sections of the specification to make software based on it. Software might read a non-normative section containing a complete CDDL file or a complete JSON Schema file.

Given that, I don't think JSON Schema lends itself to use in specification normative sections. JSON Schema does lend itself for non-normative sections.

Does that seem about right?

zcorpan commented 2 years ago

Yeah, although it would be possible to use a schema language to specify some of the normative requirements.

I think a benefit of using English prose and the Infra Standard is that readers don't have to learn the syntax and rules of a schema language to understand the requirements.

s3ththompson commented 2 years ago

I'd like to try to summarize the conversation in the thread so far.

We are discussing the best format to specify the structure of the JSON messages in the protocol. The two best options so far are CDDL and JSON Schema.

In order to compare apples to apples, @mzgoddard translated the Remote End Definition from WebDriver Bidi as an example in both formats:


Command = {
  id: uint,
  *text => any,

CommandData = (
  SessionCommand //

EmptyParams = { *text }

JSON Schema

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema",
  "$ref": "Command",
  "definitions": {
    "Command": {
      "properties": { "id": { "type": "number" } },
      "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "CommandData" },
      "patternProperties": { ".*": {} }
    "CommandData": {
      "oneOf": [
        { "$ref": "SessionCommand" },
        { "$ref": "BrowsingContextCommand" }
    "EmptyParams": { "items": { "type": "string" } }

Other Thoughts

@zcorpan brought up the Infra Standard (used by the WebApp Manifest specification) as a way to describe message schemas using natural language, that doesn't require either CDDL or JSON Schema. I don't think this is necessarily preferable for anyone, but it is an alternative.

Finally, @mzgoddard made the distinction above between the normative parts of the spec and the non-normative parts. The specification needs to unambiguously describe the shape of the JSON messages that are part of the AT Automation protocol. This is the normative part. However, these descriptions (in any schema language) are just snippets of code that are supported by unambiguous natural language that describes when, how, and why certain messages are sent and received. The schema language code snippets alone are not enough to be used to programmatically generate a valid implementation (although they can be used to programmatically validate individual message)

If I understand correctly, @mzgoddard is saying that if we want a machine-readable spec, we should really be discussing writing and maintaining a non-normative appendix, which would be a complete, self-contained file that contains all of the code necessary to describe the full protocol. This is how other specifications handle the separate use-cases of unambiguous, human-readable spec (the normative parts) and parseable machine-readable code for implementation (a non-normative appendix). I think this distinction is useful to keep in mind. (In fact, the WebDriver BiDi group opened an issue about creating an index of all of the CDDL snippets in the appendix.)

zcorpan commented 2 years ago

Thank you, @s3ththompson.

I think we should use CDDL for the normative part because it's easier to read and understand for humans (maybe even more so for AT users). Implementations can still use JSON Schema instead, if they so choose, or even write code to validate messages without any schema.

We can also still include a JSON Schema in a non-normative appendix. The conversion can be done manually.

lolaodelola commented 5 months ago

@jugglinmike This seems like it might be an outdated conversation considering where we are in the protocol design and spec writing process, is it ok to close this issue?

jugglinmike commented 5 months ago

@lolaodelola Indeed it is. Thanks!