w3c / at-driver

AT Driver defines a protocol for introspection and remote control of assistive technology software, using a bidirectional communication channel.
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Undefined variable in algorithm for "interaction.capturedOutput" event #45

Closed jugglinmike closed 1 year ago

jugglinmike commented 1 year ago

The "interaction.capturedOutput" event references an undefined variable named "session":

1. Optionally, return.

    Note: This step allows for an [=implementation-defined=] security check, to sandbox what information to expose.
2. Let |params| be a [=map=] matching the `InteractionCapturedOutputParameters` production with the `data` field set to |data|.
3. Let |body| be a [=map=] matching the `InteractionCapturedOutputEvent` production with the `params` field set to |params|.
4. [=Emit an event=] with |session| and |body|.

This proposal borrows many concepts from the WebDriver BiDi editor's draft, including the concept of emitting an event "given a session and body." However, this proposal doesn't have WebDriver BiDi's "event map" abstraction which is crucial for the emission of events in that document.

jugglinmike commented 1 year ago

Because this proposal currently limits the number of active sessions to one, this can be resolved with very little normative text. Resolved by gh-47.

jugglinmike commented 1 year ago

Resolved via gh-47.