w3c / at-driver

AT Driver defines a protocol for introspection and remote control of assistive technology software, using a bidirectional communication channel.
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Editorial: correct command return value #67

Closed jugglinmike closed 1 year ago

jugglinmike commented 1 year ago

The "handle an incoming message" algorithm expects every command to return either a "success" value or an "error" value:

1. Let |result| be the result of running the [=remote end steps=] for |command| given |session| and [=command parameters=] |matched|["`params`"].
2. If |result| is an [=error=], then [=respond with an error=] given |connection|, |command id|, and |result|'s [=error code=], and finally return.
3. Let |value| be |result|'s data.

Update the "interaction.pressKeys" algorithm to satisfy this expectation.

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jugglinmike commented 1 year ago
