w3c / baggage

Propagation format for distributed context: Baggage
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Clarification regarding baggage list-member value #135

Open lachmatt opened 1 month ago

lachmatt commented 1 month ago

Definition section defines value as a 0 or more repetitions of baggage-octet.

value = *baggage-octet

Taking that into account, it is allowed for a list-member to have no value.

list-member = key OWS "=" OWS value *( OWS ";" OWS property )

This case is not documented neither in the spec, nor in sample tests.

At the same time, the case for property with no value is documented:

property = key OWS "=" OWS value property =/ key OWS

Additional metadata MAY be appended to values in the form of property set, represented as semi-colon ; delimited list of keys and/or key-value pairs, e.g. ;k1=v1;k2;k3=v3.

I think it might be beneficial to document this case, if it is allowed.