w3c / battery

Battery Status API
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Status of this API #23

Closed robinglen closed 4 years ago

robinglen commented 4 years ago


Just wondering what the status of this API is? It is still currently in Chrome, although looking from Chromium bug reports there was discussion of removing it? It is under consideration for Edge, removed from Firefox and Safari.

I'm looking to alter behaviour based on:

This looked like it should have been potentially solved by the budgets api but that also looks like it has died and I expect will be removed from Chrome? https://wicg.github.io/budget-api/

Any ideas about Battery status or any other APIs that could be used to achieve this?

anssiko commented 4 years ago

The API is shipping in Chrome and there are no plans to remove it that I know of.

It would be helpful if you could expand a bit on your envisioned use cases in this issue. We can take them up for discussion mid-Sep when the group meets F2F.

robinglen commented 4 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me @anssiko, I'm working on an analytics kind of tool. I want to be able to collect metrics and beacon them back at different intervals based the below:

I've seen these be used for native applications for when they send data, I want to recreate using web platform.

anssiko commented 4 years ago

Thanks for explaining your use case. I've put #9 on our meeting agenda for next month to gauge interest to make progress on the feature. I'll close this issue, follow ups should be directed to issue #9.

It is under consideration for Edge,

The latest Edge Beta based on Chromium also supports the Battery Status API.