w3c / beacon

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Typo in Example 1 code #61

Closed zurmuehl closed 6 years ago

zurmuehl commented 6 years ago

In the beacon spec. in the introduction section in example 1 the coding line if (document.visiblityState === 'hidden') contains a typo: visiblityState should read visibilityState

marcoscaceres commented 6 years ago

Thanks! fixed.

zurmuehl commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the fast fix! Unfortunately there are 3 other places where 'visibilityState' is misspelled as 'visiblityState':

  1. In the note under example 1 in the brackets: '(i.e. visiblityState equal to hidden).'
  2. The last word in section 2.1 'visiblityState'.
  3. In section 3.1 second bullet point: '... when the document visiblityState transitions to...'
marcoscaceres commented 6 years ago

Oh, @zurmuehl can you be a hero and send a pull request for them? I just did the edit directly on github.

marcoscaceres commented 6 years ago

No, I've not fixed them yet :) Only one.

On April 23, 2018 at 9:43:33 PM, Martin Zurmuehl (notifications@github.com) wrote:

Hi Marcos,

I have reported 3 additional tyes in #61. Have you already fixed them too? So far I didn’t see them on github. After you fixed them I will crated a pull request. Rookie question: What are the correct base branch and head branch for the pull request?

Thanks Martin

From: Marcos Cáceres [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: Montag, 23. April 2018 13:14 To: w3c/beacon Cc: Zurmuehl, Martin ; Mention Subject: Re: [w3c/beacon] Typo in Example 1 code (#61)

Oh, @zurmuehl can you be a hero and send a pull request for them? I just did the edit directly on github.

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zurmuehl commented 6 years ago

Pull request created.